
Sunday, March 28, 2010

William Henry Gates III

Photo: Paul Allen and Bill Gates in 1978, Albuquerque, New Mexico

  • Everyone has heard of Bill Gates,one of the richest and most successful people in the world.
  • Дэлхий дээрх хамгийн баян бөгөөд агуу их амжилтын эзэн Bill Gates ийг хүн болгон л мэддэг.
  • Microsoft,the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world's largest computer software company, and Gates was the world's youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
  • 1975 онд найзтайгаа хамт Microsoft-ийг үүсгэн байгуулсан ба энэ бизнес нь дэлхийн хамгийн том компьютерийн программ хангамжийн компани болж , түүнийг 31 насанд нь дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэр бумтан болгож байжээ.
  • His full name is William Henry Gates III , and he was born on 28th ,October, 1955, in Seattle , USA.
  • Түүний бүтэн нэр нь гуравдугаар William Henry Gates бөгөөд тэрээр 1955 оны 10.28 нд USA-ийн Seattle хотноо мэндэлжээ.
  • At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent and especially good at Maths and Science.
  • Bill дунд сургуульд байхаасаа л нилээн ухаалаг байсан ба ялангуяа тоо болон шинжлэх ухааны хичээлдээ маш сайн байжээ.
  • His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers.
  • Түүний аав ээж нь түүнийг нуурын дэргэдэх хувийн сургууль руу явуулахаар шийдэж тэнд Bill анх удаа компьютер хэрэглэж үзжээ.
  • 13-year-old Bill Gates his school friend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork!
  • Удалгүй 13 настайдаа Bill Gates болон түүний сургуулийн анд Paul Allen хоёр хичээлийн цагаа программ бичих болон компьютер сурахад зарцуулдаг болжээ.
  • After finishing school in 1973,Bill went to Harvard, America's most famous University.
  • Bill 1973 онд дунд сургуулиа төгсөөд Америкийн хамгийн алдартай сургууль Harvard-руу явав.
  • The next year , he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world's microcomputers.
  • Дараа жил нь Bill, Paul 2 тэг үеийн дэлхийн хамгийн жижиг компьютер болох Altair-д түүнийг ажиллуулах программ бичжээ.
  • The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harward.
  • 1975 онд 2 найз Microsoft-ийг байгуулж Gates Harvard-ийг орхин явлаа.
  • Before long, Microsoft was a major business success.
  • Microsoft бол тэдний хувьд маш чухал бизнесийн амжилт байлаа.
  • Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world's leading PC software.
  • Үүнээс хойш тэдний компани өргөжин тэлсээр дэлхий дээрх бүхий л PC-ийг программаар хангах болжээ.
  • One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitiouns and hardworking.
  • Түүний амжилтын нэг шалтгаан нь Gates үргэлж хичээнгүй ажиллаж ба маааааааш их хүсэл тэмүүлэлтэй түүнийхээ төлөө тэмцэж чаддагт байсан юм.
  • This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead.
  • Түүний ердийн хувийн амьдрал нь тийм ч удаан байгаагүй бөгөөд тэрээр 1994 онд Microsoft-ийн албан хаагч Melinda French -тэй гэрлэж, 1995 онд хамгийн сайн гүйлгээтэй ном "Урагшлар зам" хэмээх ном оо бичжээ.
  • Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
  • Bill ихэнх цагаа Microsoft-ийг удирдахад зарцуулдаг байсан.
  • "There are a lot of experiences I haven't had, but I do like my job," he says.
  • "Надаа тийм ч их туршага байгаагүй ч, би ажилдаа дуртай," гэж тэр хэлсэн.
  • When he does he time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.
  • Тэрээр амралтаараа эвлүүлдэг тоглоом, голф тоглох бас ШУ-ны ном унших дуртай.
  • For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family.
  • Тэр хэдий баян ч түүний амьдрал нь энгийн бөгөөд тэрээр гэр бүл болон өөртөө багийг зарцуулдаг байв.
  • When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous.
  • Gates мааш өгөөмөр учир бусдад байнга тусладаг.
  • He has already given huge amounts of money to charity, and says that he plans to give away almost of his wealth when he retires.
  • Тэрээр мааааааш их хэмжээний мөнгийг хандивт өгсөн бөгөөд тэрээр хэлэхдээ хэрвээ би ажилаа орхих болвол ихэнх хөрөнгөө хандивлахаар төлөвлөцөн гэжээ.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mini test 3

1.b 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.b 10.c 11.c
12.b 13.a 14.b 15.b 16.b 17.c 18.c 19.b 20.a 21.c 22.a
23.b 24.c 25.a 26.b 27.b 28.c 29.b 30.b 31.a 32.a 33.c
34.c 35.b 36.b 37.a 38.a 39.b 40.a 41.a 42.b 43.c
44.c 45.a 46.e 47.b 48.c
49.yet 50.ever the time 52.until 53.just soon as
55.already 56.many 57.much 58.much 59.much 60.much
61.a 62.a 63.a 64.b 65.a 66.a 67.a 68.b 69.a
77.b 78.a 79.a 80.c

my little note

I did my minitest 3 and I listed and watched twice a short english video on Youtube(about just, already,yet.....ect)\\

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm a student school of ICT under the MUST

I'd like to work as a communication engineer because I want to save a promising career.I want to advance branch of telecommunication. Communication engineer have to be will strong and high quality ability.Of course I have to be good english.Now I'm going to major at the telecommunication first course.I know communication engineer isn't easy,but it is very hard and careful.I hope I'll can it.I'll be veeeeeeeeryyyyyy good communication engineer.I hope I'll pass it.

Exotic Shopping in UB

UB, the capital of Mongolia, is shopper's paradise, with plenty of large Department stores as well as hundreds of delightful smaller shops.

Mongolian souviner lovers can find very many mongolian handly souviner in the small souviner shops in centrepart of UB, and colletors can find rare books on the bookstalls in front of the MUIS.There are also some great department stores which sell everything from perfume to furniture.State Department store is the largest department store in Mongolia, offers a great, variety of high quality woollen pullover,neckwear and hat, leather jackets and designer clothes.There you can buy fashionable clothes,shoes and jewellery.....ect.There are very many kind of things for shoppers.

Shops in UB are usually open from nine or ten in the morning till about eight in the evening, from Monday to Saturday.Many sales usually come at vacation.

Don't miss the chance to go shopping in UB.And don't miss buy the mongolian souviner.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Unit 6 -Studentbook

Ex 9
a. 1.boil 2.poach 3.steam 4.fry 5.bake
b. bread, cake and biscuits can be baked.
eggs,broccoli and chicken can be boiled.
meat, potatoes and fish can be paoched.
some vegetable,some fruits and some meat can be steamed.

Ex 10
1.bread 2.bacon 3.butter 4.meat 5.cake 6.cheese 7.beef 8.potatoes 9.ketchup 10.venigar

Ex 11
vegetable - broccoli,peas, cabbage, brussels sprouts, lettuce
dairy products - cheese,butter,yoghurt
fish - salmon, trout
seafood -prawns, mussels,
meat - beef, lamb,veal
fruit - watermelon,peaches, apricots, strawberries
poultry - chicken,turkey, eggs

Ex 12
SA: Would you like some hamburger?
SB: Yes,pls.And can I have some pasta,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want orange juice?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have tea. .

SA: Would you like some hot dog?
SB: Yes,pls.And can I have a jacket potato ,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want some sweets ?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have some chocolates. .

SA: Would you like some coffee?
SB: Yes,pls.And can I have a biscuit,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want some grapes?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have an apricot.

SA: Would you like some milk?

SB: Yes,pls.And can I have some eggs,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want a banana?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have a peach.

Ex 13
1.some 2.any 3.many 4.a few 5.some 6.much 7.much 8.a little 9.any 10.a little 11.much 12. any 13. some

Ex 14
2.You should empty the rubbish bins regulary.
3.You shouln't dry your hands on your clothes.
4.You should clean your work surfaces and cooking utensils regularly.
5.You should wash you hands before cooking.
6.You shouldn't let your pets sit on your work surfaces.
7.You should cover any wounds when you are preparing food.

Ex 15
1. an expensive restaurant
2.a fast food restaurant expensive restaurant
4.a fast food restaurant
a fast food restaurant expensive restaurant

Ex 16
a) 1. Do you want
2.I prefer

A:Do yo want something to eat?
B: Yes,pls. I'm starving.
A: Well, we've got soup.Would you prefer onion or chicken?
B: I prefer a chicken soup,pls.
b) you want
2.would you like
A: Do you want a hot dog ,Steve?
B: No, thanks.I'm not very hungry.
A: Would you like a piece of apple pie, then?
B: No,thanks.Just some coffee,pls.

Ex 17
good points-a varied menu, a large salad bar, fast service, delicious food, a wide choice of vegetarian dishes, helpful,friendly staff, clean table, comfortable seating, a no-smoking policy

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Unit 5- Studentbook

Ex 12
1.going to
2.going to

Ex 13
She is going to move house - future plan
She is moving house on Saturday - fixed arrangement

Ex 14
I'm going to walk home after finish school.I'm going to do my homework and I'm going to listen to music.Then I'm going to watch a film. I'm going to get some exercise after watch a film.And last I'm going to go my bed.

Ex 15
2.She is going to buy the house.
3.She is going to sell a necklace.
4.He is going to paint the door.
5.They are going to feed the ducks.
6.She is going to take a photo.

Ex 16
1.B.are going
A. are you leaving
A: What are your plans for the Christmas?
B: We are going to Switzerland.
A: Wow! When are you leaving?
B: On 20th Dezember.
2.B. going to
A: It's very cold today.
B: Yes. It's going to snow.
3.B.will do
A: Which extra languages are you going to study next year?
B: I'm not sure yet, but I think I will study Spanish and Russian.

Ex 18
SA: The soup is cold
SB: Sorry,madam.I'll heat it up for you.
SA: The table is dirty.
SB: Sorry,sir.I'll clean it for them.
SA: The bill is wrong.
SB: Sorry sir.I'll correct it for you.

EX 24
If he doesn't wake up,He will late for his interview.
If he lates for his interview, he won't get the job.
If he doesn't get the job, he won't earn any money.
If he doesn'r earn any money,he will spend his savings.
If he spend his savings, he will in big trouble!

Ex 25
If Jackie studies hard, he will the best student in his school.
If you don't hurry, I will late my lesson.
If I win $ 10,000 , I will buy the house wiith my familie.
If they go to Paris,They will go shopping to many beautiful shops.
If Bill eats all the chocolates, he will ill.
If it stops raining, I will go to shop.

Ex 26
2.when 3.will get 4.if 5.won't be 6.will be 7.when
8.will get off 9.will see 10.when 11.will reach 12.will be 13.if 14.will be 15.will meet

Ex 27
1.I'd like
2.I'm afraid
3.You will

Ex 28

Ex 5
Ito wants to be a firefighter because he wants to save lives.
Roberto wants to be a barman because he likes meeting people.
Natasha wants to be a doctor because she likes helping sick people.

Ex 6

1.Ito 2.Natasha 3.Natasha 4.ito 5.Roberto 6.Roberto