Can you imagine what our lives will be like in the future in our country?Perhaps all people in Mongolia will be flying off for a holiday on the other country of world or maybe we will be sailing the ship on the sea for relaxed.
We recently carried out a survey of 1000 people from different countries to find out what they think life will be like in the future the results clearly demonstrate both our hopes and fears.
I think, our country will have changed a lot of in the future.I believe that this change will be better.
One of the greatest garden in the world will be orga

People and animals will be having real live contact.The office, school, hospital...etc will be having A a huge green garden in fence as forest,where we will spend our break and lunch time with colleger\schoolmate...etc\.There will have many trees

We will be inventing the aircrafts and ships for clean the river and atmosphere.Our country
will be having so many biggest river.And we will be creating the robot for plant the tree.On the other hand, some fear that it will continue to get worse because we will have no heart for our nature.

We seem to be quite optimistic about the benefits of genetic engineering, as we think scientists will use it to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS. If scientists manage to find a cure for these, we will have a much healthier society in the World.And our environment will be green and health, our world and we will create strong ,bright and health things.
I wish, there will have no poor people, no unemployment, no sick people, no crime ......etc in the world. Everywhere, everybody, everything smile everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!